You can also try downloading it directly from its Play Store link. But if you want to manually update them, you can either uninstall its update as shown above or download its latest version using an APK file. Google Play Services are automatically updated in the background. However, you can uninstall its updates by going to “Settings → Apps → System apps → Google Play Services.” Tap on the three-dot icon and select “Uninstall updates.” Restart your phone. Google Play Services cannot be uninstalled on regular Android phones where Play Services was preinstalled. Download Google Pay: Save and Pay APKs for Android - APKMirror Free and safe Android APK downloads.

Can you uninstall Google Play Services on an Android phone? Head over to /googlepay Apps related to Google Pay Android Pay Version:45727 Uploaded:Decemat 7:59AM PST File size:11.34 MB Android Pay (Wear OS) Version:56247 Uploaded:Februat 4:35PM PST File size:6.22 MB Google Pay (Wear OS) Version:2.141. There are two ways to use your Android device without it: root your device and completely eliminate any Google apps or use an alternative for all Google apps. If you just don’t want to have Google Play Services on your Android, you don’t have to. Is it possible to use an Android without Google Play Services? Google Play Services is a layer of programming that associates your applications, Google administrations, and Android together. Tip: learn how to fix Google Play Services has stopped error.